Google Tests New Top Stories Multi Grid Layout

Looks like Google is testing yet another layout for the top stories news box in the Google search results. Mateus Nunes from LiveCoins in Brazil sent me a screen shot on Twitter, where you can see this layout has a multiple layouts.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Avoid Blocking Pages That Are Important Enough To Have Links To Them

Google's John Mueller said he would advice that if "that's something where if you see that these pages are important enough that people are linking to them then I would try to avoid blocking them by robot's txt." In short, if you have important or popular pages with a lot of links to them, make sure Google can access the page.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Displaying Images Within Snippets On Mouse Hover

Here is a weird one spotted by Vlad Rappoport and posted on Twitter. He showed how when you place your mouse cursor over a snippet's title, images can dynamically load beneath that snippet. Here is a GIF of it in action.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Christmas Tree With A Mask Emoji Via Google

Christmas Tree With A Mask Emoji From Google

from Search Engine Roundtable

Yes, Google Is Down Right Now (& Now Google Is Back)

Yes, it appears a lot of Google services are currently down right now. You are not alone.

from Search Engine Roundtable