Daily Search Forum Recap: January 17, 2022

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

There may be a Google search algorithm update running now and over the weekend...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3tQowtd

Vlog #155: Riley Hope On Women In SEO & Automotive Search

In part one Riley Hope and I spoke about her SEO career, how she did her thesis on ethics in SEO and we spoke about the automotive SEO space. In part two we talk about women in SEO and more on the automotive space and search results...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/33BDjN7

Google Search Ranking Update January 14th & 15th (Unconfirmed)

Friday and Saturday, January 14th and 15th there may have been another unconfirmed Google search ranking algorithm update. This comes a few days after the unconfirmed January 11th update. There is some chatter but this time, the Google tracking tools are showing much higher volatility.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3A6YkeD

Google: Target CPA In Google Ads Not Going Away In 2022

Google's Ginny Marvin via the AdsLiaison account on Twitter confirmed that target CPA, tCPA, is not being cancelled in 2022. She wrote "we have no plans to sunset tCPA in 2022" after there were some speculation that it might be turned off in 2022.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3fwTdLn

Google: Hosting Companies Should Serve 500 Status Code On Robot Detection Interstitial

Google's John Mueller posted one of those PSA tweets this morning asking hosting companies that trigger robot detection interstitials to not use a 200 status code. John also said not to place a noindex on that page. If you do these things the pages served with these can be dropped out of the Google index and search results.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/34YawDb