Bing Images Search Refinement Cards

Microsoft now has these refinement cards or boxes directly in the Bing Image Search results interface. In these cards, Bing will show you a refinement option for your query with example photos you might find for that refined search query.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Console Search Appearances Documentation Updated

Google has greatly expanded and clarified its documentation around how Search Appearances work within the Google Search Console reports. Google wrote on X, "We improved our documentation on Search Appearances supported in Search Console." Daniel Waisberg from Google said, "I've been asked about this 1000 times, hope you're all happy now."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Analytics Missing Data From Yesterday/Data

There are a ton of complaints and a lot of concern around Google Analytics missing data in the normal overview report for yesterday and today. I see it also, I am seeing no data from this site and others in my GA4 reports for yesterday or today - although the real time reports work.

from Search Engine Roundtable