Microsoft Advertising To Move Smart Shopping Campaigns To Performance Max

Microsoft, in its monthly update, announced that it will be moving (or "upgrading" as they call it) smart shopping campaigns to Performance Max within the next couple of months. Microsoft said they sent out notices to advertisers via emails earlier.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Fixed Issue With Site Names Not Appearing For Internal Pages

Google has fixed an issue with site names not appearing for some internal pages, this has been an issue since December 2023. I checked some examples, and they are indeed fixed - although Google said some fixes are still rolling out and those pages need to be reprocessed to be fixed.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google News "How These Stories Are Ranked" Header

Google News seems to be testing placing a header above news sources in the Google News follow interface, that says "how these stories are ranked." I personally cannot replicate it, but some are able to see it.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Discussion Forum Structured Data Now Supports SocialMediaPosting Markup

Google has updated its discussion forum structured data help documentation to clarify that SocialMediaPosting markup is also supported. Google did say that SocialMediaPosting should be used for sites that are more of a "generic social media platform," versus a discussion forum.

from Search Engine Roundtable