Google AI Overviews Also Gets Listen Button

Google has been placing listen buttons in the Google Search results in various locations, like knowledge panels and local packs. So it comes as no surprise to see them also in the AI Overviews.

from Search Engine Roundtable

You May Also Need Google Search Refinements

Google Search is testing a new category of search refinements named "you may also need." These refinements show products that may be found in a specific e-commerce store.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Rounded Outlines Around Search Feature Snippets

Google is now testing rounded outlines around some of its search result snippet features. This includes around the snippets in the local pack and also knowledge panels. I do wonder if this is a variation of the snippet background highlights from the other day.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Hidden Gems Refinement Box

Recently we saw a hidden gems stores section in the Google Search results, which seemed nothing like the hidden gems algorithm from last year. And now I am seeing another variation of that just named hidden gems, under a stores search refinement.

from Search Engine Roundtable