Google Credit Card Search Widget

Google Search now may show you a special search box for your searches related to finding a credit card. If you search for [credit cards], [best credit cards], [visa credit cards], and so on, you will get this new credit card Google Search widget.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Mobile Search Tests More Sitelink Variations

Google is testing a number of sitelink variations within its mobile search results interface. They come in these variations: boxed in, pill-like shaped, some with arrows, some in black, and some in blue.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Sitemaps Docs Updated: Lasmod Date Should Be Last Significant Update

Google has made a small note to the sitemap documentation to add that the lastmod date specified in the sitemap file "should reflect the date and time of the last significant update to the page." This change was made after I covered the topic of Google trusting or not trusting that lastmod field in your sitemap file.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Automated Local Services Ads Lead Credits Coming

Google announced it is rolling out Automated Local Services Ads lead credits next month, which should "credit the same or more leads on average," than the old system. This will replace the manual lead credit methods, and use machine learning to process these credits going forward.

from Search Engine Roundtable