Google May Allow Publishers To Exclude Content From Google Discover

Google may allow publishers to exclude some of their content from being displayed in Google Discover. Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, said he thinks that option would be useful and thus passed it on to the team to look into.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Tests Back To AI Overview Button

Google Search is testing a way to jump back up to the AI Overview after you scroll past it. This button shows up after a searcher decides to scroll past the AI Overview and look at the normal search results. Google wants you to click the "Overview" button to go back to the AI Overview at the top, the one you decided to scroll past.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Continues Tests Highlighted Snippets & Light Backgrounds

Google Search seems to be continuing to test highlighting words in blue in its search results snippets. Plus, Google is also testing showing light background color for some words in the search result snippets.

from Search Engine Roundtable