Google: ccTLDs & Language Do Help You Rank A Little Better In Local Country Region

Gary Illyes from Google said in the latest Google SEO office hours that using a ccTLD and the localized language on your page and website does help you rank a little better in the localized/regional version of Google. So if you want to rank better in Google in Korea, using a ccTLd such as .kr helps a little and using Korean text on your page helps even more.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google's On Knowing If Your SEO Team Is Doing Their Job

Google's John Mueller laid out a few ways to determine if your SEO team is doing the actual work they promised to deliver. While trusting your SEO team is important, John said you can also do the following to ensure the SEO team is doing their job.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Merchant Center Next Gains Support For Supplemental Feeds

Google Merchant Center Next now finally supports supplemental feed/source support. Google promised us this would come early this year, but it didn't happen until early Q3 of 2024. That being said, feed rules still do not seem to be supported yet by Google Merchant Center Next and that was also promised by now.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Local Panel: Search Products With Camera

Google is testing showing a button in some local panels, some Google Business Profiles, that reads "Search Products With Camera." This seems to be related to Google Lens and the new multisearch features.

from Search Engine Roundtable