Google Emails Advertisers On Local Services Ads Verification Requirements

In March, Google announced a new verification process for its Local Service Ads program. Well, now, Google has started to email advertisers that need to take the steps to verify their advertising accounts.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Bing Local Pack Tests Review Source Icons Instead Of Review Stars

Microsoft is testing adding the source of the reviews in the Bing Search local pack, instead of showing review stars. So if the Bing Search local pack is showing reviews from Yelp, it would show the Yelp logo, and if it is showing them from Facebook, it would show the Facebook logo.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Expands AdSense Auto Ads To French, Spanish, and Japanese

Google is expanding AdSense's Auto ads to support French, Spanish, and Japanese languages. Previously, Auto ads were worked for English and German languages only.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Supports Ineligible Regions Property For Videos

Google Search now supports specifying where (which regions) a video is not allowed to be viewed in its video structured data and video SEO documentation. A new ineligibleRegion property was added to the Google video structured data documentation.

from Search Engine Roundtable