Bing Search Tests Labeling Images With Nutrition Details

Bing is testing adding nutritional details to images in its search results. It includes labeling food products with "high calcium," "lean protein," "anti-inflammatory," and other labels.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Extracts Composite Images With Trained Algorithmic Media Types

Google Search now supports a new IPTC digital source type for images which seems to be about reading if an image was made in help with AI. Google added compositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMedia to the IPTC photo metadata documentation this morning.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Country Label In Search Result Snippets

Google may be testing showing which country the site operates in with a country label attached to the search result snippet. In the example below, Google is showing a "South African" label with the country flag and the country written out at the top of the snippet next to the site name.

from Search Engine Roundtable