Daily Search Forum Recap: August 2, 2022

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/kp6410L

Legal Ruling May Allow Rumble To See Some Of Google's Secret Ranking Algorithms

Glenn Greenwald reported that a "federal district court in California on Friday denied Google's motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the Silicon Valley giant is violating federal antitrust laws by preventing fair competition against its YouTube video platform." This may result in Rumble being able to see parts of Google's secret search ranking algorithm.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/63Ch0BH

Google Continues To Work On Deduplicating Multiple Ad Listings After LSAs Example

Joy Hawkins pointed out an example of Google Local Service Ads showing duplicate listings for the same law firm for the same query. Google has policies against that and asked if those policies are effective, to which Google's Ad Liaison said yes, and they continue to work to improve with those efforts.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/vyfqjka

John Mueller Beautiful SEO Rant On Doing Versus Reading

I know some of you may not like it and may think I am some sort of suck-up for covering this but there is so much truth and beauty to John Mueller's recent SEO rant. He said, "maybe you should stop reading SEO blogs and instead do something useful for your site & its users?"

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/lrYRDSI

Google: Update Internal Links From HTTP To HTTPS But...

If you are on an HTTP site and you decide to migrate the site to HTTPS, it is common practice to update all of your internal links from the HTTP URL format to the HTTPS URL format. Google's John Mueller was asked about this on Reddit and he said "I'd always try to fix internal links, it just makes things cleaner, and is under your own control. I doubt it would have any visible effect though."

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/YTWQGNd

Google Search Console Validate Fix For Coverage Report Not Working Right Now

Yesterday afternoon Google temporarily disabled the ability to validate fixes for issues in the coverage report. This is related to some "minor updates" the Google Search Console is adding to those coverage reports over "the next few days."

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/Vtc4xGC

Rare Google Dublin Rooftop Outdoors Lunch

Google Dublin Rooftop Outdoors Lunch

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/LgPvasj