Google Business Profile Call History & Chat Going Away

Google will be removing the call history reports and the Chat feature within Google Business Profiles on July 31, 2024. Google said, "We acknowledge this may be difficult news," but added, "We occasionally have to make difficult decisions."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Working To Surface Site When Site Name Is Referenced In Query

There have been a number of complaints that when you search for a query and the site name, Google doesn't always show results from the site you mentioned in the query. But Google's Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, said the Google Search team is working on adjusting that so the site mentioned in the query is surfaced higher in the search results.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Two Conflicting Google AI Overview CTR Studies

In the past couple of weeks, we had two blog posts published on the topic of the click through rates from the new Google AI Overviews to publishers compared to those clicks to publishers prior to the AI Overviews going live. And guess what - the studies conflict with each other.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Business Profiles Shows Product Rejection Details

Google Business Profiles can now show you why your uploaded products were rejected by the system. I guess previously Google did not do this but now Google can show you the reason why your products were not processed properly by Google Business Profiles.

from Search Engine Roundtable