Daily Search Forum Recap: January 27, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google Ads now supports negative keywords on the account level. SEOs trust YMYL content less if AI writes it...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/dGlH8Tu

Gary Illyes: Google Search Handles marquee Tags Appropriately

Gary Illyes, from the Google Search Relations team, said on LinkedIn that Google Search handles the marquee HTML tag "appropriately." What does it mean by appropriately? That is Gary for you.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/s4XdZeN

Poll: AI-Generated YMYL Content Trusted Less By SEOs

Lily Ray ran a Twitter poll asking SEOs if they trust content in the YMYL, your money or your life, category more, less or the same if it was written by AI. The vast majority of responses said they trust AI-generated content less than human-generated content.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/ib5yl2d

Google Cotton Candy Machine In London

Google Cotton Candy Machine

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/x0wcORd