Daily Search Forum Recap: December 15, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3q3iCBl

Google: Links Are Not Mandatory For Ranking In Google Search

Google's John Mueller said again that having links to your site is not a requirement and not mandatory for ranking in Google Search. He said this back in 2015 as well, but said again in 2021 that links are not a requirement to rank.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3DYIYJJ

Google Local Maps Spam Big Cleanup Or Big Mess?

There has been a lot of local SEOs talking about the big shake up in the local results over the past week. It might be related to a local search algorithm update (Google has not confirmed it yet) or might be some spam fighting efforts. But I am seeing both complaints about there now being too much local spam and also folks saying Google has cleaned up a lot of spam.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3oWe0xt

Google: We Won't Penalize Your Site For Not Nofollowing Affiliate Links

Google's John Mueller confirmed again that Google won't likely penalize or give your site a manual action if you do not add a nofollow or rel sponsored attribute to your affiliate links. He said this at the 31:58 mark in this past Friday's video.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3GPi88L

SEO Who "Learned A Few Tricks" Landed Large SEO Publisher Job Now Asks How To Do SEO On Reddit

This is somewhat both sad and funny and I thought I should share it here. Via Joe Youngblood, an SEO who has said he "learned a few tricks" was able to sign a contract for SEO work with a big publishing company. But the sad part is, it seems he has "no idea how to do SEO for a large news website and wants tips on what to do next," Joe explained.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3oWbnvC