Daily Search Forum Recap: November 15, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/2YUbldC

Vlog #146: Bryan Cush On Health SEO with Schema, Structured Data & Google E-A-T

In part one, Bryan Cush, the co-founder of Tidal Health Group, and I spoke about how to use health data for content and search marketing and in part two we dug into using medical databases, local search and E-A-T & YMYL...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3HgR5nE

Google Chart Teetering On The Edge Of Core Web Vitals Field Data

Ever see a chart in your page experience report or core web vitals reports that shows core web vitals data and then doesn't and then does again? If you do, you are not alone, it means you are "teetering on the edge of having enough field data for evaluating the CWV properly," John Mueller of Google said.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3qIomST

Google Confirms Again, Bolding Words Does Help With SEO

Google's John Mueller confirmed again that bolding words and "important points on a paragraph" does help with SEO and rankings. But it is all relative, if you bold everything on the page, then it doesn't help, John explained.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3ceHEa6

SiteGround Sites Begin To Return To Google Search After Crawling Bug

Sites hosted on SiteGround last week found themselves not being crawled by Googlebot, Google's crawler. The issue seemed to have been an DNS issue between the provider's partners (AWS) and Google according to the hosting company. The DNS issue was resolved after a few days but with DNS, things take time to update and now sites are starting to be crawled again.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3Hk7kAB