Google On Fixing A Few Pages To Recover From Helpful Content Update 👎

John Mueller from Google responded to a question on Reddit about the likelihood of fixing just 10 pages out of 20,000 pages on a site, how that might help that site recover from the Helpful content update. The site owner said only 10 pages were hit by that September helpful content update, and asked if the 10 pages can hurt the other 20,000 pages on the site.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Business Profiles Locksmiths Reinstatements Now Being Processed

Google paused Google Business Profiles restatements for the locksmith industry but has now resumed those requests and is working through the backlog now. Google paused them early last week and began processing them once again on Friday afternoon, June 7th.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Local Five Pack (Up From 3 Pack)

Google is once again testing showing five local results, a five-pack, instead of the typical 3 local results, a three-pack, in the search results local results section. Google tested this in 2021 and also had this for the SGE labs results and now it is being tested again.

from Search Engine Roundtable