Google Won't Pause Keywords In Paused Campaigns Or Ad Groups

As a reminder, Google Ads has begun pausing low-activity keywords that were created over 13 months ago and have zero impressions over the past 13 months. But that does not mean Google will pause these if they are already part of paused campaigns or ad groups.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search To Get Better At URL Parameter Handling?

As part of the Search Off The Record podcast from Google on crawling, which we briefly covered on Friday, Gary Illyes from Google said he is investigating ways for Google to handle URL parameters better.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Effingo - Insane Transfer Speeds Used By Google Search

Have you heard of Effingo by Google? Google actually spoke about it on their Google Cloud blog in May 2023. Now Gary Illyes from Google said it is used by Google Search and other areas of Google to do insanely fast data transfers across Google data centers.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Listing srsltid URL Parameters From Merchant Center

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been an increase in complaints around Google Search listing URLs with the srsltid URL parameter tagged along to the URL, as the canonical URL in Google Search. In fact, Google matches on hundreds of thousands of these URLs now and does serve them in the search results under that parameter.

from Search Engine Roundtable