Daily Search Forum Recap: November 23, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3xgXDxX

50% Of SEOs Not Seeing Impact From Google November 2021 Core Update

Marie Haynes posted a Twitter poll (which I reshared a couple times yesterday) asking what you (mostly SEOs) are seeing five days into the Google November 2021 core update. About 50% of those who responded said they are not seeing much from this update on the sites they deal with.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3cFYoqZ

Google Generally Has Different Crawl Capacities For Your Images Hosted On A CDN

Google's John Mueller confirmed that when it comes to sites that host their images (or likely other files) on an external CDN, like we do here, Google will have a separate server capacity (maybe crawl budget) for your domain versus the domain of the CDN.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/32fHPjB

Google Shopping Results Display $0 Prices With Monthly Fees

Did you know that the Google Shopping results can show products with $0 prices? That is, I think, if there is a promotion for let's say a monthly ongoing fee - such as charging $0 for an Apple Watch if you enroll in a monthly service fee with a phone provider.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3r2vh9R

Googlebot Slow Crawling The Web From November 11 - November 17?

Olivier Papon from Seolyzer, a log analysis toolset, reported the other week that Google seemed to slow or stop crawling most of the web between around November 11 and November 17th. I did ask Google about this but have yet to hear back. It seems Googlebot is back at the crawling business now but we are not sure what went wrong or if something did go wrong.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/3xcZeFb