Daily Search Forum Recap: December 13, 2022

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.


from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/rbEWIZ8

Google: There Is No Helpful Content Score Or Threshold

Google's John Mueller said there is no score or threshold for the Google helpful content update. He said on Mastodon "There is no "HCS score" or threshold at which HCS [helpful content score] would switch from unhelpful to helpful for SEO.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/WfK0u91

UK Financial Services Advertisers Now Needs Verification For Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft announced that if you do financial service ads in its network, like on Bing Search, in the UK, you will need to be verified in early 2023. "Starting early 2023, we'll allow only advertisers duly authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to present regulated financial promotions in the UK," wrote.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/mKMbx5l

Google: Your Content Does Not Need To Be Niche, It Can Be Diverse - Just Write For Your People

Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, said on Masoton that your content does not need to be on one topic, one niche topic, for it to rank well. You can write about diverse topics on your site. The main thing, Danny said, was that you should write content however you want for your people and not for search engines.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/q7Z5pGe

Study: Google Local Guides Reviews Stay At The Top Longer

Joy Hawkins has published another local SEO case study, this one on whether reviews left by Local Guides do better than any ordinary reviewer on Google. The answer is yes; reviews left by Local Guides seem to do better and last longer than other reviews.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/maBvHx8

Google Tests Featured Snippets Not In Position Zero, Again

Google is once again testing showing the featured snippet, aka position zero, not in the first or position zero slot but rather under position one or even further down the page.

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/Q6Pim23

R2-D2 At Google Event

R2-D2 At Google Event

from Search Engine Roundtable https://ift.tt/Tphl8Ve