Google Maps Local Listings Adds Web Search Results

Google is now showing web search results when you are viewing a local listing in Google Maps. For some reason I thought Google was doing this years and years ago but I cannot find a story I wrote about this (if you find it, let me know in the comments). Brian Barwig spotted this and shared some screen shots on the LocalU blog.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests New Local Pack User Interface Buttons

Google is testing more changes around the local pack in the search results. On desktop, Google is testing using round buttons as opposed to square buttons. On mobile, Google is testing bubble designs for the tabs, instead of simple text with underlines.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Office By The Railroad Tracks

Google Office By Railroad Tracks

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Interactive Search Results via @martinibuster

Google is testing a search results page that allows users to click and view images from the web pages. Could impact click through rates.

The post Google Tests Interactive Search Results via @martinibuster appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

from Search Engine Journal

What You May Have Missed: Moz Resources to Prioritize Community Learning and Professional Development in 2020

Posted by clschwartz

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a wild ride. If you're like me, you've missed some exciting news or even taken some time away from all things digital when it felt like the world was just too much. At Moz, we created a lot of helpful content in 2020, publishing community resources, reports, and guides across topics like local SEO analytics, competitor analysis, keyword research, campaign management, and more. With all that coming your way, there’s bound to be some oversight. Here's a recap of what you might have missed in the chaos that has been 2020.

The State of Local SEO Industry Report 2020

The State of Local SEO Industry Report 2020 provides a snapshot of local SEO — both before and during COVID-19 — helping you understand the trends, ideas, and biggest challenges shaping your work in the new decade.

We found that 43% of respondents thought there weren't enough quality resources to train teams and clients. That insight led to some of the resources we created this year, and those we’ll be launching in early 2021.

How to Rank on Google

The freshly updated How to Rank on Google 25-step master checklist walks you through how to rank a page, from page ideation all the way to traffic pouring into your Google Analytics account. This framework for beginner to intermediate SEOs provides everything you need to get started.

The Keyword Research Master Guide

The Keyword Research Master Guide helps you understand exactly what content to create to best help achieve business goals and target relevant traffic. This guide provides concrete keyword research workflows that act as a practical place to start, and introduces intermediate and advanced SEO techniques that will help you step up your keyword game.

The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet

An enhanced web dev cheat sheet, this updated resource has been downloaded tens of thousands of times by SEOs and developers alike, to better align on the goals between both types of practitioners. It’s the go-to tool to explain technical and on-page best practices, and is easy to digest by all.

Other content you may have missed

Our favorite Marketing Scientist, Dr. Pete, published deep, technical research on Youtube and Google to understand how video is served in the SERP (shocker — we learned that there’s little room for competition when it comes to video and Google), as well as Google Core Update analyses to understand the impact and implications of Google’s algorithm changes.

In addition, we transitioned MozCon to a virtual platform, doubling the number of attendees of previous years and providing the most cutting edge insights and strategies from leading marketers across the country.

As most marketing work moved home due to lockdowns around the globe, so too did our Whiteboard Friday episodes. These included videos from SEO expert Britney Muller’s house as she took us through a series of link building tips and tricks, as well as guest presenters like Joy Hawkins, who showed us which GMB fields actually affect ranking from her makeshift film set in her living room.

Moz’s commitment to the digital marketing community has helped the company thrive in a challenging year, but community-building means more than just business success. Moz has taken stances on diversity, equity, and inclusion by making a statement and taking action to support the Black Lives Matter movement, publishing diversity and gender in SEO reports with Nicole DeLeon of North Star Inbound, and making historic changes to the board of directors with the addition of Asia Orangio and Tara Reed.

As we turn the corner into 2021, we expect the challenges to continue, but remain hopeful that things will improve. No matter what surprises the new year has in store, we’ll be here to support you with resources and tools to help you improve your SEO proficiency and reach your goals. You’ll see a new course from Moz Academy, a guide on local SEO, and much more. If you have any suggestions on what resources would be helpful to you, please let us know in the comments below.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

Google Structured Data Testing Tool Lives On At New Domain via @MattGSouthern

Google is not shutting down the Structured Data Testing Tool after all, as per an announcement stating the tool will be migrated to another domain.

The post Google Structured Data Testing Tool Lives On At New Domain via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

from Search Engine Journal

Google: Keyword-Heavy Titles Not Against Our Guidelines via @MattGSouthern

Google’s John Mueller clears up a misunderstanding about keyword-heavy titles and descriptions, saying it’s a common practice that’s not against webmaster guidelines.

The post Google: Keyword-Heavy Titles Not Against Our Guidelines via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

from Search Engine Journal

Daily Search Forum Recap: December 15, 2020

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web...

from Search Engine Roundtable

How to Stop a Webpage from Ranking (Without Deleting It) via @rollerblader

What should you do when the traffic you're attracting to your local business isn't really relevant? Here's what you should look into and consider.

The post How to Stop a Webpage from Ranking (Without Deleting It) via @rollerblader appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

from Search Engine Journal