Programming Note: Offline For Passover On Monday - March 29th

This is a programming note that I will be 100% offline Monday, Marc h 29th for the Passover holiday. Technically, I will be offline straight from Friday night through Monday night, so if anything blows up over the weekend, I won't get to it until Tuesday.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Search News Buzz Video Recap: Zero Google Click Study, Final Mobile First Indexing, Page Experience Rollout & Search Console News

This was an interesting week, let's start with the Sparktoro study claiming 65% of all searches done on Google do not lead to a click to a website. Then Google responded saying this is a misleading statement. This all led to a lot of debate on...

from Search Engine Roundtable

New Google Structured Data & Debugging Tools For Practice Problems & Math Solver Search Results

Google has new structured data markup for the practice problems and math solver search results. We first saw these results in the Google Search results back in late December 2020. Now, Google has officially launched this feature and with that launch has added new markup and reports in Search Console to debug these markup.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Don't Re-block Pages After You Allowed Them To Crawl To See Noindex Tags

Gary Illyes from Google said it is an "silly idea" to re-block or re-disallow pages after you allowed them to crawl that page in order for Google to see the noindex tags on that page. I apologize for the title of this story, it was a hard one to write.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Can Google Add Annotations To Search Console Reports?

Annotations are great in Google Analytics and other tools. You can make a note in the reporting tools on a specific day or data point what happened that you think caused the blip in the data. So if you do a huge redesign one day, annotating that in your reporting tools can be useful when you look back at the data years later.

from Search Engine Roundtable