Google Search Tests Explore Section

Google seems to be testing a new section titled "explore." In this section you can find articles about the topic broken into subject topics of sorts.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: It's Not About 301 Redirects Passing Full Credit Or Not

Google's John Mueller was asked on Twitter if 301 redirected links pass full credit or not. John responded that "I wouldn't see it as "full credit or not", but rather - as mentioned in our docs - it's a good practice for any move to update the important old links to point at the right new pages."

from Search Engine Roundtable

New Google AdSense Shopping Links

Google AdSense launched a new labs feature named AdSense shopping links. Google said with these AdSense Shopping links, AdSense will add shopping links to the content of your eligible pages. Shopping links provide end users with relevant options to buy from.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Tests Shopping Filter Button

Google Search is testing a filter button for shopping related query refinement. I personally do not see this but Saad AK posted a screencast of this, showing a filter button at the top left of the search results after searching for [jeans].

from Search Engine Roundtable

Microsoft Bing Testing New Local Pack Design

Microsoft Bing seems to be testing a new local pack design. This new design is more minimalistic right off the bat, and when you click on one of the local listings, it pops open more details on the right side of the page, instead of opening it in the Bing Local site.

from Search Engine Roundtable