Google Ads API Version 7.0 Now Available

Google has released version 7.0 of the Google Ads API. This is a jump from version 6.1.0 which was released on April 10, 2021. To use the v7 features, you will need to upgrade your client libraries and client code, Google said.

from Search Engine Roundtable

How To Report A Google Search Indexing Issue

Google has a new method to debug and ultimately report indexing issues with Google Search. Google opened up a new form where currently US based site owners can report issues directly to Google around Google Search indexing. This is how it works.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Boosts Travel Search Tools For A Post Pandemic World

Google announced a few new features in Google Search around travel features specifically as "many people are eager to start planning vacations again," Google said. Google is getting ready for a post pandemic world with these updates that include new travel COVID advisories, new ways to explore destinations and a road trip planner.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Doesn't Generally Suspend Sites From Google Discover

Google's Paul Bakaus, he is very involved in web stories these days, said on Twitter that at Google "we don't generally 'suspend' sites, and when you fix issues, you are always eligible to reappear." Truth is, and I posted this reminder before, Google Discover is impacted by core updates and requires a higher level of all those good E-A-Ts we talk about.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Brands Value Domain Authority Because They Mistakenly Think Google Values DA

There was an interesting thread on Twitter about DA, Moz's domain authority metrics. In short, a blogger named Chloƃ<< wanted advice on getting her blog's "domain authority up." John Mueller of Google made a joke that DA is not important and Google doesn't use it but she came back and wrote "it is the most important metric for brands, it's the first thing they ask for, and if it's high enough they ask for your stats."

from Search Engine Roundtable