Google Search Continues Tests Highlighted Snippets & Light Backgrounds

Google Search seems to be continuing to test highlighting words in blue in its search results snippets. Plus, Google is also testing showing light background color for some words in the search result snippets.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Removing Massive Disavow Lists Should Not Worry You

John Mueller from Google was asked if you should worry that massive link disavow lists can hurt you negatively and also if you remove the list that it might also hurt you. John said you should not be worried at all, when he was asked how worried should you be, he said "zero."

from Search Engine Roundtable Redesign With Updated Validator has a new design, it seems like the design went live this week. The validator also looks fresh and new. It is unclear if there were any other changes made, outside of the design update.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Confirmed Ads Below Featured Snippet As Part Of Dynamic Ad Placement

It is not news that Google now mixes in ads within organic results, but I have to say it still feels super icky to me that Google does this. Ginny Marvin, the Google Ads Liaison, confirmed that search ads can appear directly below organic featured snippets, as part of Google's "ongoing evolution of dynamic ad placement on search."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Business Profiles Consumer Alerts Document

Google Business Profiles can include consumer alerts on them, which will notify those viewing your local listing on Google about a possible violation or suspension of spam. These alerts can show a banner, they can result in review posting restrictions and reviews being removed.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Tests Thin Video Snippets

Google is testing a new video format for its search results in the mobile search results. This test shows thinner video search result snippets with smaller video thumbnails.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: SEO Feedback On The Last Core Update Was Really Helpful

Google's John Mueller said in a video he posted yesterday that the feedback submitted and Google collected around the March 2024 core update has "been really helpful in evaluations and discussions." He added the Google teams have "been reviewing with the search quality and ranking teams."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Expands Translated Search Results To More Languages

Google is now showing the translated search results feature in more languages, adding Arabic, Gujarati, Korean, Persian, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese to the list of of now 21 languages.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests From Sources Across The Web Overlay

Google seems to be testing a new user experience for the "from sources across the web" search feature. Instead of showing a carousel or content on the search results page, Google is testing popping up an overlay that you can scroll through with more details.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Bing Search Tests Labeling Images With Nutrition Details

Bing is testing adding nutritional details to images in its search results. It includes labeling food products with "high calcium," "lean protein," "anti-inflammatory," and other labels.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Extracts Composite Images With Trained Algorithmic Media Types

Google Search now supports a new IPTC digital source type for images which seems to be about reading if an image was made in help with AI. Google added compositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMedia to the IPTC photo metadata documentation this morning.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Tests Country Label In Search Result Snippets

Google may be testing showing which country the site operates in with a country label attached to the search result snippet. In the example below, Google is showing a "South African" label with the country flag and the country written out at the top of the snippet next to the site name.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Bug: Not Indexing or Serving New Content Again

Google Search is currently having yet another indexing bug, similar to what Google Search experienced just about two weeks ago on June 20th. Google is not indexing new content that was recently published in the past hour or so.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Ranking For Unrelated Keywords In Search? Make Your Titles & Content Clearer

Have you ever had a site that ranks for unrelated keywords, queries you do not want to rank for? John Mueller from Google said if you do, maybe you should make your title and content clearer if they are too amibiguious.

from Search Engine Roundtable

July 4th Weekend Google Search Ranking Update & Volatility

Surprise, surprise, it was another weekend and we again see some more than usual ranking volatility from Google Search. Again, this reminds me of the weekend ranking bug Google had late last year into early this year. But who knows, maybe it is just a ranking system that shuffles things up for weekend searchers?

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Request Indexing Does Not Change Canonicalization

Google's John Mueller said on that using the request indexing feature in Google Search Console's URL Inspection Tool does not change canonicalization. The question that was asked is if it can help speed up URL removal for a 301 redirected URL.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Using A CDN & Want One Robots.txt File, Redirect Yours To The CDN

Do you use a CDN for some or all of your website and you want to manage just one robots.txt file, instead of both the CDN's robots.txt file and your main site's robots.txt file? Gary Illyes from Google said that all you need to do is redirect your main robots.txt to the CDN and control it on the CDN.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Updated Image SEO Best Practices For Embedded Images

Google has made a small update to its image SEO best practices documentation, specific to the "Use HTML image elements to embed images" section. The update seems relatively minor but the changes to the wording was done for a reason.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Tests Long Search Bar Variations

Google is testing a longer search bar, so I guess you can enter in a longer query into the search box. Google is also testing it in a gray color and other variations.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Console Performance Reports Catching Up But It's Not Done Yet

As you know, Google Search Console's performance reports were significantly delayed this week. But as of this morning, the reports are beginning to catch up. Google said last night it would take them "at least 2-3 days to fully catch up" and reprocess the data. So if you are seeing weird data, look away and come back on Monday.

from Search Engine Roundtable

No - Reddit It Not Blocking Google Search

Today being July 4th, I normally would avoid writing stories here but there are a lot of rumors out there that Reddit is blocking Google Search from crawling and indexing its content. It is not true - Reddit is not blocking Google Search.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Zero Click Study Now At 58.5% In 2024

Rand Fishkin has come out with his 2024 edition of the Google zero click study and it shows that in the US, zero clicks are now at 58.5%, which is down from 65% in 2021. The study says about 37% of Google searches lead to no action, 21.4% lead to another Google search and 41.5% lead to a click.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Current Styles Google Search Carousel

Google Search has a new shopping-related carousel named "current styles." This shows up for some shopping-related queries, and if you search for a product, it might show you style variations that may be trending.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Explains Why Search Console Reporting Delays Are Not In Search Status Dashboard

As of right now, Google Search Console is having a significant delay with its Performance reports and some are wondering why the status of the delay is not in the Google Search Status Dashboard like other search related issues.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Ads New Brand Exclusion Won't Prevent Your Ads For Showing For Random Firms

The other day we reported about the new Google Ads brand controls. But as we gain more and more clarity, it seems it does not give advertisers all the controls they need.

from Search Engine Roundtable