Google: We Give Guidance & Provide Transparency On Core Updates

Google's Danny Sullivan said that Google does and did provide "transparency and guidance" around its core updates. He said on Twitter "my response is that we're giving a lot of things to consider. That page doesn't guarantee doing all these things somehow equates to improve ranking."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google's John Mueller Gives SEO Clues To Site Owner

Chris Dicker, the Managing Director at Trusted Reviews, has been asking for advice on "traffic loss after traffic loss" for the site Google's John Mueller dropped some hints after "briefly" looking at the site and thread.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search "Learn More About" Within People Also Ask

Google seems to be testing or rolling out a new feature in the people also ask section named "learn more about." It shows a box that basically teaches you more about the topic you searched for.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Mobile Search Sharable GIFs Carousel

This is a cute mobile search feature, where Google is showing you a carousel of GIFs that you can click on to share with your friends. It is query dependent, and will match relevant GIFs to your query.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Guaranteed Testing New Badge Design

It looks like Google is testing a new design for the Google Guaranteed badge or icon. The previous design was a green circle with a white check mark inside of it. The new design is more in Google colors, it is a shield with a checkmark in it, using Google colored lines.

from Search Engine Roundtable