Google: Title Tags Longer Than What Is Displayed Has SEO Benefit

Gary Illyes from Google said in last night's Google Central Live event that there is a benefit, I assume an SEO benefit, to having title tags longer than what is displayed in the search. He later added that you should keep the title tag "precise" to the topic of the page and do not worry how long it is or if it is too long.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Lets Agencies Dismiss Some Partner Program Recommendations

Google has re-announced the new partner program requirements after postponing the new requirements due to COVID and the huge backlash at the new rules. Now, Google said partners "have the flexibility to apply or dismiss performance recommendations based on your own assessment in order to meet a minimum optimization score of 70%."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Won't Talk About Spam Prevention For Page Experience Update

Matle Ubl, a Technically a Software Engineer at Google, said he won't be talking about any efforts around abuse and spam prevention for the upcoming Google Page Experience update. Specifically how some may try to fake the Chrome User Experience Report (CRUX) data for better or worse to manipulate rankings.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: There Is No SEO Reason To Make Bloated Sites

Some folks were complaining that SEO is to blame for the bloat on the web. Specifically when some sites that are so bloated with trackers and other add-ons that the sites are not only slow but slow down your computer. John Mueller from Google said "there is no SEO reason for making such terrible & bloated sites."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Mixed Content Warnings Won't Remove Your Site From Search

Google's John Mueller said that having mixed content on your site and getting mixed content warnings won't result in your site being removed from Google Search. We said previously that the Chrome mixed content notifications do not impact Google Search and that remains true at the time I published this.

from Search Engine Roundtable