Google Ads Gains New Budget Reports

Google announced new budget reports for Google Ads. Google said these new budget reports will "help you visualize monthly campaign spend behavior." You can visually see how daily budget changes affected performance and monthly spend limits.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Hotel Listings Gain Eco-Certified Badges

In July we reported that hotel listing can now add their sustainability and eco certifications to their listings in Google My Business. Well, now, Google is showing the eco-certified green label in the hotel listings in Google Search.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Nooglers At Google Dublin With Propeller Hats In Masks

Nooglers At Google Dublin With Propeller Hats

from Search Engine Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: September 30, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today...

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search On: MUM, Things To Know, Shoppable, About This Result & More

Google had a slew of Google Search related announcements at the Google Search On 2021 event. The announcements ranged from improvements and more uses for MUM, to the about this result expanding, to shoppable search experiences, in-store inventory, Google Lens updates and a bunch of features and redesigns to the Google Search experience.

from Search Engine Roundtable