Google Ads Allows Sports Gambling Ads In New York Now

Google Ads, as of this past Saturday, January 8, 2022, is allowing certified and state-licensed entities in New York to run ads for sports betting. This was previously disallowed but now that the state Gaming Commission in New York changed the rule, it is now allowed in New York State.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Ads Live Chat Design Update

Google has updated the design for the Google Ads live chat help box. Brett Bodofsky picked up on the change and to be honest, I have not used this chat box in a long time, so I do not know what changed exactly but I trust Brett.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Ignore Threats For Do-Follow Links

Google's John Mueller said you can ignore threats and blackmail emails from people who demand do-follow links. John said on Reddit when asked about these threats "ignore it, it's just spam."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google NYC Rooftop Snow

Google NYC Rooftop Snow

from Search Engine Roundtable

Search News Buzz Video Recap: Bing's IndexNow For WordPress, Google SEO Topics, Links In 2022 & More

It was a slow start to 2022 but I guess that is welcomed by most of you - I have my January 2022 Google webmaster report live, if you took off at all...

from Search Engine Roundtable