Google My Business Sent Out User Survey

The Google My Business team is looking for ways to improve and sent out an survey to a bunch of businesses asking them for feedback. Andy Simpson shared some screenshots of the survey on Twitter.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Won't Test FLoC In Europe - Not Yet At Least

Marshall Vale from Google said on Twitter that Google will first begin testing FLoC, the company's cookie alternative, in the US and select countries. It will not be testing FLoC in European countries to start likely because of GDPR concerns.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Microsoft Advertising Automated & Auto-Applied Ad Suggestions

I am surprised I am not seeing more concern with the latest Microsoft Advertising notice that it will automate its ad suggestions and if you do not specifically tell Microsoft within 14 days that you dislike that suggestion, the company will auto-apply it to go in your ad campaign.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Fabrice Canel From Microsoft Bing Wants To Build Instant Indexing Into WordPress

As I covered at Search Engine Land the other day, Fabrice Canel From Microsoft issued a feature request to WordPress to bake into the product instant indexing. Well, really, instant pushing of URLs to the search engines so the search engines don't have to crawl sites to find new or updated content.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Semrush In Time Square

from Search Engine Roundtable