Third-Party Bot Traffic Does Not Directly Impact Your Google Rankings

A webmaster asked on Twitter if having "a lot of bot traffic coming in" and if that bot traffic is "tagged under organic traffic, will this have an adverse any effect or does google ignore this." The answer is no, John Mueller of Google said "That has no effect on Google Search."

from Search Engine Roundtable

Fake COVID Vaccine Ads Hit Google

Despite all of Google's efforts to remove and prevent vaccine misinformation, some do slip through the cracks. Here is one example that was spotted by a former Googler who is now the California Chief Technology Innovation Officer at the California Department of Technology, Rick Klau.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Begins Testing FLoC In Chrome

Google announced it has begun testing FLoC, Federated Learning of Cohorts, in Chrome. Specifically the FLoC origin trial in Chrome 89 will work on websites that don't opt out of it.

from Search Engine Roundtable

April 2021 Google Webmaster Report

It was yet another busy month in terms of Google algorithm updates, all of which are unconfirmed. But we had six, maybe seven, unconfirmed updates in March. This is all while we wait for the next Google core update. The good news, featured snippets returned to normal levels in the Google search results.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Shark In The Google Search Console Report

Google Search Console Shark Report

from Search Engine Roundtable