Google Search Find Place Through Photos

A few years ago, Google began to roll out a local search feature to search photos of nearby places. Now Google seems to be calling this "find places through photos." I am not sure if this is in addition to the old version or if this is just renaming the old version of this feature.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: The Google URL Parameters Tool Is Scary

Google's John Mueller said (again) that the Google URL Parameters tool is scary. He said this on Reddit, and then suggested the person try to use noindex or robots.txt methods as an alternative because the Google Search Console reports will show you issues with noindex or robots.txt but not really with the URL Parameters tool.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Favicon Crawler Now Uses Googlebot & Googlebot-Image Token

Google has updated its Google crawler help documentation to specific that the Google Favicon crawler now respects the Googlebot and Googlebot-Image robots rules. Previously, it seemed to just respect its own Google Favicon rules but that was changed or updated a few days ago.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Survey: Most SEOs Opt To Canonicals To Manage Faceted Navigation

Joe Hall posted a poll on Twitter asking what do SEOs use most to manage faceted navigation. The vast majority of SEOs responded that they use "proper canonicals tags." Others responded they use robots.txt and then some said meta robots tag. But most of the over 300 responses said they use canonical tags to manage faceted navigation.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google: Hreflang Does Not Give You A Ranking Boost

Google's John Mueller said again that using hreflang will not help you rank better and does not change rankings for your site. All it technically does it replace the URL that ranks already with the regionally appropriate URL in Google Search.

from Search Engine Roundtable