Larger Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On April 20th & 21st

Google again seemed to have pushed out another Google search ranking algorithm update on April 20th. It might be a continuation from the April 18th update, just now rolling out more, or it might be its own thing. Google has not confirmed an update is officially rolling out.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Analytics Real Time Reporting Bugs With Universal Analytics Won't Be Fully Fixed

As you know, we've been reporting on the real time Google Analytics bug with Universal Analytics for a few weeks now. Well, sad news for you all, Google is not going to fully resolve the issue impacting real time analytics with Universal Analytics.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Beware: Google Business Profile Messaging Spam & Scam Attempts

There are scam and spam attempts being conducted through the Google Business Profile messaging platform. This is a tactic of someone looking to hire you for a service but they ask if you take credit card or other online payments. The trick is, they then ask you to front them the money and pay you via credit card, which obviously fails.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google Search Can Write Its Own Knowledge Panels

Google Search knowledge panels sometimes show that it was written by Google itself. I guess Google uses AI or machine learning to write these knowledge panels. There are many examples of Google citing itself for some knowledge panels.

from Search Engine Roundtable

Google On CSS .Class Selector

Google's John Mueller was asked if Google "looks at "CSS .Class" to comprehend the structure of a page; or a section of content that clarifies its SERP Features." John responded on Twitter saying "not that I'm aware of."

from Search Engine Roundtable